Setup Statamic Static Caching
Setting up Static Caching in Statamic isn’t too hard and brings a huge performance boost. Here are the steps I had to take to enable it both locally with Laravel Valet and on a production server managed through Laravel Forge.
Enable and configure Nginx
- Enable Static caching by setting
- Add the following directive to Nginx config
location / { try_files /static${uri}_${args}.html $uri /index.php?$args; }
Clear and warm the static caches regularly
For sites that have dynamic content such as scheduled publishing or filtering by date, it makes sense to rebuild the static cache frequently.
The commands to do so are
php please static:clear
php please static:warm
We can add those to Laravel’s scheduler (related: Setting Up Job Scheduling for Statamic )by adding the following to the Kernel
class in app/Console/Kernel.php
/** * Define the application's command schedule. * * @param \\Illuminate\\Console\\Scheduling\\Schedule $schedule * @return void */ protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { // $schedule->command('cache:clear')->daily(); // $schedule->command('config:cache')->daily(); // $schedule->command('route:cache')->daily(); // $schedule->command('statamic:stache:warm')->daily(); $schedule->command('statamic:static:clear')->dailyAt('03:00'); $schedule->command('statamic:static:warm')->dailyAt('03:00'); }
runs at midnight, while dailyAt
can be given any time of the day.
All that is left to do is to set up a Cronjob that calls php /home/forge/mysite.tld/artisan schedule:run
every minute:
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